Monday, December 1, 2008

the power of the martial arts: loyalty...

One of the definitions of Loyalty is a faithfulness to a sovereign, government, or leader. To be loyal is to imply a obligation to support and uphold. We hear of loyalty to a country or to a king. The willingness to sacrifice for something greater than one's self.

Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim suggested in class to apply that same loyalty to our own goals and purpose. We are willing to make sacrifices for others, but are we willing to make those same sacrifices to achieve our own goals? She gave an example of losing weight. Are we being disloyal when we sneak a snack here and there? In order to be loyal to this goal do we not have an obligation to support and uphold it. Are we willing to make sacrifices in order to maintain loyalty to our goal? As a solider fights for his country to defend and protect, we must fight and defend our goals against the laziness, arrogance, and ignorance within ourselves. Should we not have loyalty to our life that we are willing to fight and defend.

I have reviewed my goals. Have I been loyal to myself? Have I made the commitments and sacrifices to achieve these goals. Or am I being disloyal to myself, back tracking on my commitments and avoid making the sacrifices need to achieve my goals.

A simple goal I have is to eat healthy. If I am loyal to my goal, why do I grab a fast food hamburger. To be loyal to yourself is to mean that you are important and worth fighting for. It means to recognize and making choices and then take actions.

In Jung SuWon, I feel sparring is a test of personal loyalty. I am committed to defend myself. I must maintain my awareness and take action. I am worth defending.

I find that after an intense sparring class, I feel better about myself. I might not have defended myself as well as I hope for, but the effort was worth it. That feeling is carried to other parts of my life. Knowing that I have made commitments to myself and I am carrying them out.

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